Convertible Debt / SAFE Practice Problem (Free Preview of the VC Financial Modeling Bundle)


An Excel Workbook that shows you how to model convertible note + SAFE financing, conversion, and more.


- A working example so you can understand the model mechanics

- An exercise for you to complete on your own + an answer key

- Links to additional reading so you can gain more expertise on the subject

This is 1 just of the 7 models included in the VC Financial Modeling Bundle.

Get The Full VC Financial Modeling Bundle

(Models provided as-they are, with no warranties. They are not legal advice. We do not take responsibility for anything that results from using these models, including, but not limited to, losing all your money, your marbles, or going to jail. Consult a lawyer or accountant if you need to understand how these financial topics may impact your company or firm).

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Convertible Debt / SAFE Practice Problem (Free Preview of the VC Financial Modeling Bundle)

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